Concert in Perth featuring Hillfoot Hamony

Concert in Perth featuring Hillfoot Hamony

Circle of Comfort held a very successful concert in St. John`s Episcipal Church Perth on Friday 15th September featuring Hillfoot Harmony Chorus.

The concert is the first event for Circle of Comfort to be held in Perth and this very successful fund raising evening forms part of our charity`s plans to bring our unique Complementary Therapy service to Perthshire. We are very grateful to all who supported us on the night and contributed so generously by donation and to our raffle. The final nett amount raised was just under £750.

Hillfoot Harmony chorus, are a group of female a Capella singers who strive for musical excellence in the performance of barbershop singing and the audience were treated to a wonderful variety of old and new songs performed in close harmony all with tremendous enthusiasm and musical skill under the direction of Musical Director CATHERINE MACDONALD.

Wonderful singing and colourful singers